Most electives occur in the 7th period, Tuesday-Friday each week. For the GALA 7th Period Elective Handbook for 2024-2025, CLICK HERE.
​Middle School (check grade level requirements below): Aerospace Engineering, Art History, Broadcast, Choir, Creative Writing, Dance, English Language Development, Game Design, Graphic Arts, Journalism, Leadership, Learning Lab, Math Lab, Robotics, Spanish, Yearbook
High School: Broadcast, Choir, Dance, Engineering Dynamics (Architecture), English Language Development, Film Analysis, Horticulture, Journalism, Latin American Studies, Leadership, Learning Lab, Math Lab, Robotics, Spanish, Speech & Debate, Weightlifting, Yearbook, Optional Community College Course Enrollment Option
SIXTH GRADE: Not listed here is our 6th Grade Elective wheel. Students are required to do this wheel and then have a choice of a 7th period elective in addition to the wheel. The wheel is 4 different classes of 10 weeks each. The wheel can change each year and for 2024-2025, the wheel is: Aerospace, Creative Writing, Intro to Computer Science, Global Studies.
COMPUTER SCIENCE: This elective class is in the 6th grade elective wheel and also available via Game Design as a middle school 7th period elective. High School has the option for Exploring Computer Science, AP Computer Principles, and AP Computer Science A (Java).
SPANISH: Spanish is available to some 7th and 8th graders, with priority to our High School students that need a minimum of 2 years of language to graduate.
MUSIC: Music is available to 7th grade and up as an elective during the academic day.
ARCHITECTURE: The study of design and engineering is available during the academic day for 7th-12th grades. Typically, 6th grade has a unit on Classical Architecture in History. More info HERE.
AP ELECTIVES: The list below does not include the High School AP (Advanced Placement) electives. For more information on our High School courses, click HERE.
Please visit the after-school page for additional classes. The after school program is run by UCLA in partnership with Beyond the Bell.
Please note that electives can change from year to year based on teacher interest/expertise and scheduling. Some electives are rotated everyon other year.

Middle School
An introduction to the aerospace industry and aeronautics. From the physics and mechanics of flight and launch to satellites and orbits. Students taught how to use GALA’s on-campus flight simulators to simulate flight patterns and landings. Hands-on projects may include basic rocketry, flight vehicle and payload design, and aerodynamic wind tunnel testing of a flying toy plane.
Priority is given to students who have not yet taken this course.

Architecture Design
Middle School
Students will engage in exploratory architecture and engineering activities to gain skills with dimensioning, drawing, modeling, and design. Students will learn about careers in these fields and engage in hands-on projects throughout the year.

Students work as a team, write, develop, produce and film weekly "Good Morning GALA" broadcast. Students learn to build a weekly news/entertainment show, research stories, film segments, and editing the final product. The team uses the campus, as well as, our Broadcast "green screen" room, and telecaster technology. This class may also have the opportunity to gain additional experience through collaboration with Journalism.

Creative Writing
Middle School
Students will be introduced to the art of creative writing. They will explore different types of creative writing, read various short texts and poems, and begin to draft their own outline for a creative writing piece. In the second semester, students will write their own piece of creative writing. They will participate in the writing process of drafting, peer reviewing, and revising. At the end of the semester, they will submit a final Creative Writing Portfolio.

Game Design
Middle School
Students will learn all the parts of making a video game: creating original artwork, recording and editing music and sound, writing stories and dialogue, and programming. Students will also examine representation in video games and create characters that better reflect real people. In the second semester, student teams will apply your skills and creativity to create an original game.
Priority is given to students who have not yet taken this course.

Graphic Design 1
High School
The course includes problem solving skills, artistic perception, critical thinking and self-reflection as students apply the principles of design and elements of art using industry standard software. Projects include page layout, word processing, media techniques, digital illustration, vector drawing, photomontage, and photo touch/restoration as they provide students with a professional environment and responsibilities as beginning graphic designers.

Middle School
Students study the principles of print and online journalism as they examine the role of news media in our society. They learn investigative skills, responsible reporting, and journalistic writing techniques.
Middle School students responsible for the GALA Online Magazine.

Learning Lab
Middle/High School
Learning Lab provides a range of multi-tiered supports for diverse learners that is based on students’ needs. Students have opportunities to ask questions, get extra support and tutoring, and participate in review of any topics they have yet to master. They will practice executive functioning skills, which includes using their planners effectively in order to manage their time and tasks efficiently and to stay organized. Students will have opportunities to fill in any gaps in knowledge and master any standards with which they’ve struggled. This class also serves as a space where students can learn more about their accomodations and learn how to advocate for themselves.

Music (Choir)
Middle School
The course develops the skills necessary for ensemble singing. Students will sing with appropriate technique and expression. Music will represent a variety of genres and time periods, including sacred music (spirituals and gospel music), secular music, world/multicultural music, folk music, and novelty music (including popular music and Broadway show tunes). Students should be available for the Winter and Spring concerts.

Middle School
Students learn how to build and code robots and work as a team to participate in First Lego League competitions. There will be some after school work and weekend competitions. Click HERE for more info.
No prerequisite.

Spanish 3
Working on the foundational skills in Spanish 2, students increase their knowledge of and proficiency in Spanish spoken and written language.
FULFILLS additional year of “E” LOTE Requirement for graduation/A-G requirements.

Work as a team to conceptualize, write, photograph, design and document the school yearbook. Students should have an attention to detail, design, and writing.
Application required.

High School
This elective will introduce students to a wide variety of engineering studies and careers through engaging discussions, competitions, design and building activities, research, field trips and guest speakers. Topics include structural, mechanical, biomedical, aerospace, chemical, environmental, and electrical engineering along with fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and engineering economics.
This course is not available for the 2024-2025 school year.
For High School, fulfills the "F" Visual Performing Arts Requirement for A-G.

Music Technology
High School
This class introduces students to using recording software and hardware tools for producing music. The class will stress application and creative content, using a series of project-based learning activities which includes student exposure to performing with electronic instruments and vocal recording, multi-track recording and arranging.
** This course is not available for the 2024-2025 school year.

Architecture Design High School
Provides students with an understanding of architecture through design, computer-aided drawing (CAD), architectural history, and meeting ADA requirements and sustainable (green) tech. Students use practical experience through CAD, architectural history projects, green based design projects, and ADA based challenges to demonstrate knowledge in the fields of architecture and engineering. Students design structures to solve real-world problems while implementing technology to prepare their solutions.
Prerequisite: Engineering Dynamics​

Architecture Engineering Dyn.
This is the first course offered in the Architecture CTE pathway and required f Architectural Design. Students are introduced to standard engineering and design practices for residential and commercial projects. This is a hands-on, project-based class where students complete projects including elements of design, planning, documentation, communication and other skills needed for the field. This course will be offered once during Periods 1 - 6 and as a 7th Period elective. This elective is a great choice for students who are interested in architecture and design but don’t have room to take it during Period 1 - 6.
Fulfills the "G" College Prep Elective Requirement for High School A-G.

Chemistry of
Chemistry of Cooking is a unique and engaging course that blends the principles of chemistry with the art of cooking. In this class, students explore the science behind everyday cooking processes, learning how chemical reactions contribute to the flavors, textures, and appearances of different foods. This class is ideal for students interested in both science and the culinary arts, offering a practical, enjoyable way to see how chemistry plays a vital role in everyday life.

Middle/High School
This course is for intermediate to advanced dance students and focuses on street jazz, contemporary, modern, and hip hop. Dance technique strengthens musicality, choreography ability and strength while exploring personal expression through emotion and storytelling. Must be available for Winter/Spring concerts.
For High School, fulfills the "F" Visual Performing Arts Requirement for A-G.
Audition required: see your elective submissions form for links.

Global Studies
6th Grade
Students will explore cultures from around the world. As today’s world has become more interconnected than ever before, it is important that we learn and appreciate our own culture and cultures from around the world.

Graphic Design 2
Branding & Design
This is an ADVANCED graphics class for those students who are interested in learning more about the graphic design field. The students will use the elements of art and principles of design and incorporate them into ARTWORK and also digital works.
Prerequisite: Graphic Design 1

Latin American
Students will review the cultural, social, and political histories of countries south of the border including Mexico, Central America, and South America. Students will explore the physical and political features of Latin America to become familiar with the geographic region, as well as the political, social, cultural and economic diversity of the region starting with early civilizations and colonization that lead to its complex social & political history. Contemporary issues such as poverty, environmental problems, crime and migration patterns will also be addressed. It is an interdisciplinary course includes literature, music, art, and film.
Additional “A” History credit for graduation/A-G requirements.

Math Lab
Middle/High School
Self-selected by students for those that would like more support in math. During this elective, students will have opportunities to ask questions, work on math homework, and get extra practice and instruction for any topics in which they may struggle. Math Lab instructors may use IXL, Khan Academy, DeltaMath, CPM parent guides, or Kuta, among other tools to help students master standards and fill in any gaps in knowledge.
There are separate classes for Middle School Math Lab and High School Math Lab. ​​

Musical Theater
Vocal Ensemble
The class will cover the history of musical theater/Broadway musicals. You can expect to rehearse and perform scenes and numbers from musicals, including singing, acting, and choreography. There will not be a full-scale musical produced, but a musical review.

High School
Students learn how to build and code robots and work as a team to participate in the First Robotics Tech Challenge. GALA has three teams that compete with a variety of roles on each team. If you like graphic design, social media management, documenting the engineering process, video production, organizing outreach, fundraising, finance, building and coding, robotics is a good fit for you! Students will have access to a classroom dedicated to the robotics competition field. To be a part of the Robotics Team, students must be available for some after school work and weekend competition. No prerequisite or prior experience needed. Click HERE for more info.
Additional “D” Science credit for graduation/A-G requirements for 2023-24.

Speech & Debate
High School
This course will give students an introduction to a variety of public speaking and formal debate styles. Students will gain skills in literary analysis, research, critical thinking, public speaking, organization, and advocacy. Students may participate as a team in a formal debate tournament.
Fulfills the "G" College Prep Elective Requirement for High School A-G.

Students investigate the application of technology to living organisms which involve a range of activities and projects. Bio Medical Technology introduces students to biomedical research, ethics in science, animal research, vaccines, DNA, human physiology, biology, and forensics. Students learn to master lab skills and equipment.
This course not available for 2024-2025.

High School
Students study the principles of print and online journalism as they examine the role of news media in our society. They learn investigative skills, responsible reporting, and journalistic writing techniques as they read, respond to, and write their own news and feature articles in the GALA Online Newspaper, The Echo. May have the opportunity to gain additional experience through collaboration with Broadcast.
Fulfills the "G" College Prep Elective Requirement for High School A-G.
** This course is not available for the 2024-2025 school year.

Sports Management
High School
This course focuses on managing an Interscholastic High School Athletics Program. Topics include managing an athletics calendar, scheduling contests, ordering and managing equipment and uniforms, transportation, facilities and permits, etc. Students work with the GALA Athletic Director putting skills into practice. Students will also be a Team Manager for at least one sport during the year. They attend games as scorekeeper, statistician, or timer and assist the coach with pre-game responsibilities such as set up and rosters. Students must be available to attend games with the team(s) they manage. Students may also support office staff with duties as needed.
** This course is not available for the 2024-2025 school year.

Architecture Design 2 High School
Students will apply their passion, skill, and knowledge toward two- and three- dimensional design projects. They will build on their work as architectural designers in the previous two courses, learning about universal design and sustainability in relation to the built environment. The course includes study in Architectural History, form making and representation. Problem-solving, analytical thinking and craftsmanship will be emphasized.
Prerequisite: Engineering Dynamics​ and Architectural Design 1

Art History
Middle School
Students explore diverse regions, including Asia, Europe, Africa, and Americas to learn about the history and culture through the lens of art. Students engage in hands-on activities to explore essential questions, such as "What is art and how is it made? Why and how does art change? How do we describe our thinking about art?" Students discuss an artwork's meaning, function, maker's methodology, and the ways it reflects and affects its historical and cultural context. Students create artwork (drawing, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, music, digital architecture).
This course is not repeatable.

Middle/High School
The course develops the skills necessary for choral ensemble singing. Students develop skills in reading music, sign reading, ear training, vocal technique, and performance practice. This is a performance-based ensemble and students should be available for the Winter and Spring concerts, as well, as other performances in the school year.
Fulfills the "F" Visual Performing Arts Requirement for High School A-G.
Select 7th/8th graders with foundational choral singing skills will be added to the High School choir.

Film Analysis
High School
Do you love analyzing pieces of writing in English class? Are you passionate about logging movie reviews on your Letterboxd account? If so, this course might be perfect for you! We explore the interpretation of cinema, including cultural, aesthetic, historical, and interdisciplinary perspectives. Just as you learn to engage with texts in English class, we learn how to do the same with films. Students will delve into key themes such as identity, gender, power dynamics, and the role of the viewer in film analysis. Film analysis itself involves critically examining a film’s elements—such as narrative, direction, cinematography, editing, and sound—to understand its meaning, artistic choices, and social implications.

Graphic Arts
Middle School
Students learn the basic concepts of graphic design, color theory, elements of design, principals of design, production, and how to apply these concepts to produce graphic products consistent with industry standards. Students will also learn of career choices in the field of Graphic Communications and entrepreneurial aspects of graphic arts
This course is not repeatable and priority is given to students who have not yet taken this course.

High School
Students will learn about the art and science of growing plants. Students will develop and maintain a few green spaces on our new campus by learning how to germinate, plant, and care for various food-producing species, as well as native species. Gardening practices will be developed in a way that is as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible, and new ideas on how to further these efforts will be welcomed. Students will regularly spend time outside caring for living things and get to see the impact of their efforts throughout the year.
Additional “G” credit for graduation/A-G requirements for 2024-25.

Middle/High School
Provide leadership for the Middle School Student Council and High School Associated Student Body. Students work in teams to plan and execute school events. These events include Spirit Week, Club Rush, Dances, Pep Rallies, Diversity Day, Fall Festival, etc. Some events may be after school or on the weekend.
6th Grade is by application only. 7th-12th are elected into student council / ASB the previous school year.

Middle School
Includes a variety of experiences and activities such as singing, listening, reading and writing music, creating music and playing simple classroom instruments such as guitar, drums, keyboard, bells and recorder. The course provides opportunity for growth in understanding musical concepts such as rhythm, melody, form, tempo, dynamics and harmony. The course develops interest in music from a variety of cultures.

Orchestra is open to all students who either: a) wish to learn how to play a stringed instrument, or b) who already play a stringed/woodwind instrument. This is a performance-based class and there will be performance opportunities at the Winter and Spring concerts.

Spanish 2
Working on the foundational skills in Spanish 1, students increase their knowledge of and proficiency in Spanish spoken and written language. This course is a great choice for students who are enrolling in PE class or art and do not have room during Periods 1 - 6 to take Spanish.
FULFILLS “E” LOTE Requirement for graduation/A-G requirements.

Weight Lifting
Students will articulate the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to maintain meaningful physical activity throughout their lifetime. Topics include: proper lifting form and technique, warm-up, cool down, and proper recovery, planes of motion and movement patterns, strength and conditioning, nutrition, and goal setting for fitness. Counts for one year of PE credit.

Constitutional Law (Mock Trial)
Students can participate in the class without being on the team. Tryouts for the team are held at the beginning of the school year within the class. Participate in a Mock Trial competition where you will learn about the legal profession, diplomacy, and all aspects of the legal profession. Must be available for some evening and weekend competitions. GALA has been in the finals for the last 2 years. Student repeating the course can not receive additional credit.
Fulfills the "G" College Prep Elective Requirement for High School A-G.
** This course is not available for the 2024-2025 school year.

Students will learn about different marine ecosystems and how they are connected to people & our way of life. Topics include how the ocean is able to sustain life, the ecosystem services that the ocean provides, as well as both positive and negative ways humans are impacting the ocean and sea creatures. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about specific species that interest them and will have many chances to be creative with many projects incorporated into the course.
Additional “D” Science credit for graduation/A-G requirements.
** This course is not available for the 2024-2025 school year.
Are electives for all grades?: Some electives are for Middle School, some are for HIgh School, and some for both.
Are there applications for electives?: Dance, Leadership (rising 6th), Leadership (rising 6th), and Yearbook have applications. Links are in your 7th period elective choice form that is posted at the end of each school year.
Are 7th Period Electives for the entire year?: Yes, 7th period electives are for the entire year. Please select carefully.
I heard my incoming 6th grader will have an elective wheel. Do we get a choice for that?: No. The elective wheel for 6th graders only is fixed - 4 classes that rotate every 10 weeks. For the 2024-2025, they are Aerospace, Creative Writing, Introduction to Computer Science, and Global Cultures.
Does my daughter have to attend 7th period electives? Can she leave after 6th period?: No. The 7th period elective is a graded, academic course that will appear on your transcript.
Do certain grades get priority?: Each elective is available to the grades indicated on the website. For some electives, priority is given. For example, if a High School student needs a Fine Art requirement to graduate, they would get priority.
If I am a new student entering 7th-12th grade, can I choose Leadership?: Leadership is our ASB Associated Student Body elected positions. Rising 7th-12th grader run for office in the Spring of the previous year. Rising 6th graders interested in leadership should submit an application the first week of school.
I see electives on the website that are not for 7th period. How would my daughter take those?: She would select those as choices in Periods 1-6.
I have more course selection questions: Reach out to our counselors. Middle School: rebecca.gross@lausd.net and High School: tara.hallinan@lausd.net.
7th period electives by grade
Art History, Creative Writing, Dance, English Language Development, Game Design, Graphic Arts, Journalism, Leadership, Learning Lab, Math Lab, Robotics
Aerospace Engineering, Art History, Broadcast, Choir, Creative Writing, Dance, English Language Development Game Design, Graphic Arts, Journalism, Leadership, Learning Lab, Math Lab, Robotics, Spanish 2, Yearbook
Aerospace Engineering, Art History, Broadcast, Choir, Creative Writing, Dance, English Language Development, Game Design, Graphic Arts, Journalism, Leadership, Math Lab, Robotics, Spanish 3, Yearbook
9th - 12th Grades
Broadcast, Choir, Dance, ELD, Engineering Dynamics (Architecture), Film Analysis, Horticulture, Latin American Studies, Leadership, Learning Lab, Robotics, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, Speech & Debate, Weight Lifting, Yearbook