local school
leadership council
The Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a shared-decision-making body composed of the Principal, the UTLA chair, 7 educators, 5 parents, 1 student, and 1 office staff.
The following items are under the purview of the LSLC:
Staff development program, including approval of any school-based professional development programs.
Student discipline guidelines and code of student conduct
Schedule of school activities and events, and special schedules
Guidelines for use of school equipment, including the copy machine
The following local budgetary matters:
Instructional Material Account
Lottery Funds
School-Determined Needs
State Textbook and Related Material
Year-Round School Incentive Discretionary Funds
Student Integration Program Discretionary Funds
Daily schedule or bell schedule
Members serve a one-year term, and meetings are in-person for two hours once/month. Anyone in the GALA community may attend LSLC meetings, whether you are a member or not.
You can find information about Local School Leadership Councils in Article XXVII in the LAUSD/UTLA contract on page 273: https://utla.net/app/uploads/2023/12/FINAL-CBA-2022-2025-UTLA-Contract-1.pdf
Meeting Dates: Mondays from 3:45 – 5:45 on October 7, November 4, January 6, February 10, March 10, April 21, and May 19. Dates modified and confirmed at the LSLC meeting on September 17, 2024
The term of membership is one-year long and begins in October, so our new LSLC Council will begin their term in October.
Parents: To self-nominate, fill out this google form: https://bit.ly/lslcparent
Parent Timeline:
September 24 by 3pm - Self-nomination with candidate statement (up to 100 words)
September 25 - Electronic ballot sent
October 2 by 2pm - Electronic ballot due
October 3 - Results announced
October 7 from 3:45-5:45 pm - First meeting of new LSLC members
Students: To self-nominate, fill out this google form: https://bit.ly/lslcstudent
Student Timeline:
September 18 by 3pm - Self-nomination with candidate statement (up to 100 words)
September 20 - Electronic ballot sent
September 27 by 2pm - Electronic ballot due
September 30 - Results announced
October 7 from 3:45-5:45 pm - First meeting of new LSLC members
Principal: Dr. Liz Hicks
Chapter Chair: Arden Houghton
Certificated Members:
Christie Barajas, Maria Harfouche, Katie Clark, Lindsay Herz, Kesley McFadden, Heather Leppard, Elena MacKie.
Non Certificated Member: Xiomara Gamboa
Kate Eshaghoff, Joe Benincasa, Julia Fisher, Khanh Tran, Rhea Plummer
Student: Estie Kung​​
previous years
Principal: Dr. Liz Hicks (Alternate Mr. Benoit)
Chapter Chair: Ms. Lindsay Herz (Alternate: Adrianne Warlick)
Certificated Members:
Cristina Barajas
Katie Clark
Tara Hallinan
James Harpole
Kelsey McFadden
Jessica Valera
Adrianne Warlick
Alternates: Heather Leppard, Sheila Reid
Wes Gavins
Ana-Lupe Morado
Reah Plummer
Shalivia Sefas
LaShon Wooldridge
Students: Mani (Alternate: Estie)
Classified Member: Katrina Guthrie-Fullbright
MEETING DATES - 4:15pm-6:00pm
October 16, 2023
November 27, 2023
December 11, 2023
January 29, 2024
February 26, 2024
March 18, 2024
April 15, 2024
May 20, 2024