math overview
The GALA mathematics curriculum is College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM). CPM teaching strategies focus on how students best learn and retain mathematics. Teaching strategies rely on the recommendations of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and are based solidly on the methodological research in teaching mathematics. The research-based principles that guide the course are:
Students should engage in problem-based lessons structured around a core idea.
Guided by a knowledgeable teacher, students should interact in groups to foster mathematical discourse.
Practice with concepts and procedures should be spaced over time; that is, mastery comes over time.
The sequence of courses are Common Core Mathematics aligned and balance procedural fluency (algorithms and basic skills), deep conceptual understanding, strategic competence (problem solving), and adaptive reasoning (application and extension).
middle school
Common Core Course in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Students have the opportunity to accelerate in Math in order to take Algebra 1 in 7th or 8th grade. You will find our students often working collaboratively in groups.
high school
Our High School science continues to build on skills learned in Middle School. Students who did not accelerate in Middle School can do so in High school. Courses include...
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Informational Data Science
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
math flow chart
NOTE: Summer school for Math is not at GALA and needs to be approved through the GALA counselors and registered for independently through a third party program. 6th Grade Accelerated math begins in 2025-2026.