June 4-June 7, 2018
Last week of school! Our students participate in "integrated" projects and the 7th grade project was each student picking a medical specialty and presenting their findings in a "medical conference".

May 28-June 3, 2018
The Engineering elective got a tour of the Metro Purple Line in progress! Our Dance elective performs their "finals" to a packed house!

May 21-27, 2018
GALA girls participate in Girls Build LA and GALA's very first "Diversity Day" put on by our students!

May 14-May 20, 2018
High School students meet with engineers at Metro Line and other students get a tour and interview with female leaders in film editing and mixing at Sony Studios!

May 7-13, 2018
GALA's Acapella group Lady Treble do their final performances!

April 30-May 6, 2018
Mathletes invited to attend Girls Make VR convention, High School field trip to Harvey Mudd to view senior Capstone projects, and GALA Teacher Appreciation Day - May the 4th be with you! We are grateful to all our teachers and staff members!

April 23-29, 2018
GALA Shakespeare through Los Angeles Drama Club presented "Much Ado About Nothing"! GALA girls participated in National Demin Day to educate about sexual assault.

April 16-22, 2018
Girls organize an Earth Day event on the field! In 7th grade science, they learn how to draw blood, start an IV, and suture.

April 9-15, 2018
Environmental Studies takes a trip to learn about Marine Biology and High School heads to the Hall of Champions!

April 2-8, 2018
New student Registration Day!

March 26-April 1, 2018
Beyond the Bell Sports plays softball!

March 19-25, 2018
Two GALA teachers and 3 GALA girls complete the LA Marathon through Students Run LA! The Engineering Spark program presents their designs to city planning!

March 12-18, 2018
GALA officially gets approval to add "Michelle King School of STEM" to our name! Students give speeches for the Walk-in.

March 5-11, 2018
The GALA Engineering elective gets a tour of Marvel Studios!

February 24-March 2, 2018
Thank you all of our supporters and sponsors who attended the first annual Launch Her Future Women's Leadership Breakfast with keynote speaker, First Lady of Los Angeles, Amy Wakeland and honoring Dr. Michelle King.

February 17-23, 2018
1st Annual GALA GIVES BACK to the Girl Rising Impact Fund with Special Guests, Girl Rising Producer, Beth Osisek and a team of artists who built a school in Nepal through BuildOn. Performances by GALA girls and an inspiring panel!

February 10-16, 2018
6th Grade Geography class using 3-D pens to create their projects and our GALA CIF Basketball girls!

February 3-9, 2018
2nd Annual Walkathon on our field and 6th grade Classical Architecture curriculum in history!

January 29-February 2, 2018
Thank you to the Royal Bank of Canada (City National Bank for their generous donation! They heard about GALA from their Women in Technology colleagues. GALA GRATITUDE!

January 22-26
7th Grade field trip to Body Worlds, the Space Shuttle, and the Science Museum.

January 15-19
Students and teachers at Students Run LA finished their first 1/2 Marathon!

January 8-12, 2018
Thanks to all of our parents and students who organized the textbook room!

December 11-17, 2017
GALA invited to hear Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris speak and the 1st Annual GALA's Got Talent Show! We are on winter break until January 8th! Click link below for past pics!

December 4-10, 2017
High School Basketball Game and Mathletes at the BEAM competition!

November 20-December 3, 2017

November 13 - 19, 2017
GALA CIF Basketball wins their first game! After School Shakespeare rehearses "The Tempest" and JMG Basketball plays their first game! Finally, a Thanksgiving feast for our teachers and staff!

November 6 - 12, 2017
GALA Tennis team hold their final banquet. TV station, Univision, visits GALA! GALA girls visit Google and meet the cast of Mc2. Cordoba Corp and its partners share their expertise with our Engineering class!

October 30-November 5, 2017
GALA Halloween! So many pictures this week, hard to pick! Halloween Haunted House before school and a Harry Potter stand at lunchtime. Also, GALA girls were invited to see "The Breadwinner," a movie about a young girl who must dress as a boy in order to save her family. The film was produced by Angelina Jolie!

October 23-29, 2017
GALA had a busy week! Author, Loung Ung, and producer/actress, Angelina Jolie visit GALA. Girls also attend the Women's Leadership Conference, Students Run LA complete the Castaic Run, and winning robotics teams in Torrance and Hawthorne come to GALA to give our girls a Robotics workshop!

OCTOBER 16-22, 2017
The GALA lunch club partners with Karma Rescue for a "Reading to Dogs" event at Memorial park!

OCTOBER 9-15, 2017
GALA High School takes a field trip to Google! Our Flag Football team is headed for "Regionals!"

October 2-8, 2017
GALA "Sister" school in China visits, new partnership with California Society of Anesthesiologists and UCLA offering a biomedical class next year, student lunch club community service group assisting dogs gets a visit from a furry friend, and High School field trip to the Luckman Fine Arts Center!

September 25-October 1, 2017
1st Flag Football Game (we came in 2nd!) and GALA Girls invited to LA Sparks Event!

September 18-24, 2017
GALA teachers and girls participated in Student Run LA!

September 11-17, 2017
LAUSD Board Meeting and GALA School Tour Open House!

August 26-September 2 , 2017
Video shoot for our girls that speak multiple languages! 12 languages and counting!

August 21-25, 2017
The Eclipse!

August 15-18, 2017
First Week of School and Picture Day!